Tuesday 14 June 2016

A Story

We live in a world that is ever changing, yet every day you wake up, get prepared for work, put in your eight hours at your work place, then you go out with friends or you go home to your family.

Have you ever wondered if all of this could change, that you can do something different, lay in bed the whole day, have your meals serve to you, not bothering with your emails not even your hand phone.

Could you just be totally different for as long as you want, not free but just different, going out of your routine, changing your life styles altogether.

Do you believe in magic? Could you have everything you want? Think about all these questions, look back at your life, did you enjoy wonderful moments? Did you have periods of your life that you would want to live again differently?

We may need adversity to learn life lessons, but do we need to suffer to learn? You have your dowsing to help you ease the pain, and still be able to learn your life lessons. Magic, many of my friends whom I got to know after I started writing this blog have told me that their life have changed.

In many posting I have shared how pain was remove immediately by dowsing, how water changed its taste and how simple techniques work for people who choose to just use it without judgement. Really the blog is full of such real life experiences of mine that I have shared. What more can you want, it even has an intention that anyone reading my blog will improve their lives from where they currently are for every aspect of their lives.

What is keeping you from making your own magic? Would you not like to be your very own Harry Porter? Create your own magical adventure? your own magical world? You have the power to be Harry Porter or Merlin or Whatever or who ever you want to be, just go do it. There are so many techniques that I have shared even I couldn't remember them all. Use them to empower yourself and be the best you can be.

Thank you

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