Wednesday 1 June 2016

The "Zombie Apocalypse"

Like most of us, I’ve noticed a soaring popularity in all things zombie-related for the past 10 years or so. A search on the Internet shows that there have been more than 40 movies made involving zombies from World War Z and Dawn of the Dead to Shaun of the Dead and Zombie-land, and let’s not forget Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies. In video games, more than 60 games involving battling zombies have been made. Then there’s television, with AMC’s popular The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead along with other network’s Z-Nation and Zombie. I’ll finish this list with the popular sporting events around the nation of "zombie runs."

There have been many widespread fads through the years, but the fascination with zombies, dare I say, doesn’t seem to be dying. I began to ponder why this is and feel there may be an answer. Zombies seem to be manifesting as a subconscious or unconscious archetype of our times. In general, zombies are seen as the "undead," animated in the world but not truly alive, not conscious or truly awake. They survive by eating the brains (minds) of the humans that are alive/awake and conscious or infecting them to become zombies themselves.

Are these thoughts and concerns or warnings that are coming from our higher selves about the times we live in? Are we at some level feeling that we are not quite alive or truly awake? As we live our daily lives here on earth, physical in a material environment, it’s easy to forget about our true selves and that our spiritual consciousness exists beyond materiality—our bodies are only temporary vehicles. We can feel bombarded by physical need and desires and become overwhelmed by all the physical external sensory assaults of media and others that numb or deaden our true selves, our true consciousness, putting us in a coma-like state. The archetype of zombies; undead, animated but not alive, unaware, eating our own minds or those of others, shuffling along with no true purpose… all of these zombie descriptions fit much of what we are facing today as we endeavor to raise our higher consciousness. Is our higher consciousness trying to caution us?

awakeningPerhaps, on the bright side, this zombie archetype is so prevalent in today’s society because more and more people are awakening. Perhaps we feel like we are dying but are becoming truly alive, and as we do so, we see the un-awakened, the animated undead, all around us. I believe this is a time of greater spiritual awakening and resurrection for humankind and that as the awakening/enlightening continues, others will become awakened. We just need to remember to stay in this higher consciousness and not allow ourselves to be infected by external sensory assaults, resulting in a reversion back to our somnambulistic state.

Sharing an article from A.C.E.

Thank you

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