Wednesday 1 June 2016

Live Your Life

For some people, they are unable to get over past experiences that were 'unfortunate' for them, all their choices from that point onward are based on either fear, shame, guilt or a combination of the three.

It is very sad that an 'unfortunate' event or events happened for them, but not getting over it and carrying the memories of such events will not help change what has already happened. Moving forward with a renewed sense of enjoying life without pain from the past is a more positive way to go.

It is possible to change yourself, to accept new experiences, and still be aware of what you really want in life. You need to take the action, not just sit back and think that you are doing something about it. It is better to move on, take up the challenge, then to live life based on safe choices. The human mind is always so creative, unfortunately it also creative at making excuses not to do something that it is afraid to do. To move out of your own comfort zone takes lots of courage, but to stop bullshitting yourself takes a core transformation.

A small amount of self-examination should show you that in a simple way you are always thinking about probabilities. You are always making choices between probable actions and alternate courses. A choice presupposes probable acts, each possible, each capable of actualization within your system of reality. Your private experience is far more filled with such decisions than you usually realize. There are tiny innocuous instances that come up daily; 'Shall I go to the movies, or bowling?' 'Shall I brush my teeth now or later?' 'Shall I write to my friend today or tomorrow?' There are also more pertinent questions having to do with careers, ways of life, or other deeper involvements. Each decision you make alters the reality that you know to one degree or another.

Everyday, do something that will expand your reality, or the reality that you now know, do something that is beyond your routine. Let go of all past experiences, good or bad, these experiences have no hold or power over you now. Take up whatever life is presenting to you in new choices and decisions. Surrender your own will, and let the Divine love flow to you, the divine love is always better than you can imagine it to be. You will have it all first class, all of your heart's desire, if you would only just get out of your own way.

Thank you


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