Thursday 14 July 2016

Sharing Results

Yesterday I shared with everyone 16 lines like a bar code llllllllllllllll, and invited readers to check the energy, below are some results of this experiment. Do your own experiment and find if these lines can neutralize any other non beneficial energies. My Gratitude and Thanks to both of them for contributing their time and effort to help do this experiment. I appreciate both of you!

Dear Alan, energy of the home went up 7 times after drawing the line on a piece of paper. Cables emitting negative energies before applying the lines to the cable and became positive after.
I draw the lines on my wrist, energy also went up 7 times. - JOY

I did the dowsing hours much later. Well the 16 lines gives out positive energy. The Power Cables are in fact positive by the time I've checked it. Upon checking with my wife, both of us confirmed that the energy is now 700! And it was after she placed the lines in the Power Cables this afternoon! Hope this answer will help you in the experiment. Thank you and I appreciate it. - Whale Man

The energy was going crazy yesterday, a woman friend from China messaged me for help, she was experiencing very severe headaches. I found that she was affected by EMF, negative astrological influences, Geo-pathic stress and promptly removed them, within 5 minutes she message back that the headache was gone.

Later in the night, I detected the same energies affecting me and my country, I removed them, but got a feeling that something bad is going to happen. This morning on the news I heard that there have been an attack in France by terrorist groups involving a truck. It was reported that 60 people were killed and hundreds injured. 

Negative effects of Astrological Influence can cause mental instability in people, EMF affects us in many ways, and affects our brainwaves too. When I was clearing for the lady in China, I detected very high EMF radiations, this made me aware that the levels are exceptional and could affect many people.

You can devise your own measurement or scale, just set the scale with your dowsing by stating something like this. Let the scale be from 1-10, 5 being normal, 6 being strong, 7 being very strong, 8 critical and 10 head for the hills.
Using this scale you simply take a reading everyday, over a short period of time, you will have data about EMF. but that is not all, when you pick up high readings you can take note of how it feels to your body, co-relating the reading with your body will teach your body to become a EMF monitoring instrument. 

This is a way of training both sides of your brain, logic and feel, you can train yourself to become sensitive to many other types of energy too.

Thank you.


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