Sunday 10 July 2016

The Future is Yours!

SKY – open closed viewpoints; let go of limitations 

I posed a question about learning information from the future that would benefit us now, I got one interesting letter on the subject, I am so grateful for his feed back and input into the matter.

If everything is energy and holds a frequency then actually there is no now or the future, since energy is never destroy, it changes. The 'you' in the past, with all the memories are just stored up in the 'you' now, and will change to something else in the future. The future is then pure raw energy that hasn't been fixed and changed into anything yet.

Your mind creates your future, what you think becomes reality the next moment, granted there are some rules to follow before this happens, but it is what is happening every moment for everyone. But let us have some fun and imagine that our future has already happen or is happening, and some events and information from the future are available to you now. Set this intention, and you can start dowsing for these information from the future to improve your life now.

Here are a few questions to start the game going- 'Is the future me financially more prosperous that me now?' If you get a yes, then start asking if the future you is doing something different as compared to the you now, for example, the you now is working, is the future you running a business? Treat the whole thing as a game, you may find out many things about what the future holds for you.

One interesting input from the feed back was could we send energy into the future to change an event for the better? My view is definitely yes, when we ask if there are negative probable future and change this to the best possible future with the most benevolent outcome, we are actually sending energy into the future to create a change. (this is one command from the daily dowsing list)

We all want the very best future for ourselves and our loved ones, and we have the power to change energy with our mind. There are many commands I shared that brings us to the past, present and future to change the energy, like go back in time to before such an event and remove the emotions....... , and of course raise the energy for me and my family now.

This means that if you have been using the commands from my dowsing list, you are already a qualified time traveler, moving easily from the present, past and future, what do you think about this?
Aren't you greater than who you think you are? You are a 'Superior' being, and you should acknowledged this now. Got it!

Thank you

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