Sunday 16 October 2016

May I? Can I? Should I Help?

When I am ask to help someone with dowsing, I always begin with asking ' May I? Can I? Should I? '
Sometimes I would ask if I have the ability and knowledge to help, and if not, should I reject the request for help? I get confuse too, sometimes, because the answers are not clear to me, I got a feeling that I could do something but the dowsing says no.

From my past experiences, the dowsing is right, it was really not the right thing to help or was it the right time to do so. This is due to some energy that the other person is holding on to, or some information that the person asking for help did not reveal.

Many people learn dowsing and become really good at it, they would help anyone they come in contact with. It is a good way to learn, because you do need subjects to dowse for. But we should always ask if it is the best thing to do. We should also ask if the person we intent to help would be really 'helped' by our approach. We have to respect them, and not shaft the 'help' down their throats, we need to be sensitive about their feelings. I will be the first to admit that I am guilty of being such, and would like to formally apologize to anyone whom I have hurt by my insensitivity.

When I was with my Guru, I would take every word he said as truth, and to this day, I believe this to be true. Many of his words have a different meaning to me as compared to when I first heard them, now having more experiences I still find them to prove useful and enlightening to me. My respect for him and his teachings has never changed, I have never dowse about him and what he does, this is not my way, and to me is a sign of great disrespect.

The same for my Master in Japan, he is most unorthodox yet I have never doubt his teachings or his methods. He is my Master and it will be always. Guruji said, the more Gratitude you have the more will be added to you, the more Love you have the more will be added to you. Love and Gratitude has produced the most beautiful water crystal, this has been proven by Dr. Emoto in Messages from Water. And our bodies are made of  70 to 80 percent water, so with Love and Gratitude we are made beautiful inside.

The shift of energy is accelerating our evolution, many changes and challenges are happening, we need to be keeping up our own awareness. We need to be sensitive to how the energy is affecting us, and not judge others base on our dowsing results, watch your own mind. Everyone is evolving at their own pace, some are ahead and some may need more time, but everyone will make it to the end.

Watch your mind! Watch your mind! Watch your mind! I can't emphasize how important this is, if you lose your mind, you lose it all. Don't bother what others think of you, be centered, balance your brain and energy daily. If you don't believe in what you are doing, be it dowsing or anything else then you should get out of the business. If you think that you can't solve your problems with dowsing then it is true for you. It is what you believe that is the most important nothing else.

You are your own best teacher, don't go looking for someone else for the solution, Look within your own soul, see the beauty that lies within. You are made of the most beautiful energy. YOU ARE LOVE.

Thank you

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