Tuesday 25 October 2016


As we are all different and working on different things and each of us has a piece of the puzzle for another, I'm sharing my belief on words. Maybe this is because I have already done much healing with this, but this is my belief now.
For me, all words of the English language (as this is the language I have chosen to speak) have the same frequency of 9,000 on the bovis scale. No matter what the word is, it has no higher or lower frequency for me than 9,000 or about 5% on the Hawkins scale.
Maybe this is because of Emoto's work with the water. I thought what if I wrote the word I hate you on a piece of paper with the belief, I love you, instead, would the water respond to what is on the piece of paper or the thought and intent in my heart. For me, the intent or thought worked.
So for me, speaking of words at 9,000 is the lowest tool that I must use every day. I did ask my Inner child, how am I able to speak or listen or read each day and the words not affect my higher frequency as my intent is to stay in the frequency of the light (Infinite on the bovis scale) as much as possible throughout the day.
The answer is that there is another conversation going on at the same time that the words are spoken, and that language is unconditional love. I often call it galactic language as I'm always having another conversation with someone's higher self at the same time I am having to speak to their brain with the language.
Something to think about. There is no right or wrong and everyone is exactly at the right place and the right time and everyone's belief system is exactly right for their frequency in this time and space.
I am thankful for this group as each person has a piece of my puzzle to share with me.
Love to you all!

Delaine Lowry

From Dowsing to Create a New Earth


Thank you

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