Sunday 9 October 2016

One and All

Two things make you move in life, one is your desire and the other is Love, when one desire gets fulfilled, ten more will arise, and you spend all your life trying to fulfill one after another. Love also makes you move, but you never get tired from doing so. You never get shaken, you will shake the world instead, you will make everyone dance with you in happiness even Angels and Gods.

Yesterday a friend shared a disturbing message from a group in which we both were once members, he was very disturbed because it coincided with some recent events in his life. I told him that to believe in the message or not makes no difference, to believe, he would have to go back into bondage, to follow their teaching again, losing his personal freedom, and it was the reason for leaving the group in the first place. To ignore the message would mean that his current position will not change, since this is the position he is now at, after leaving the group. The episode demonstrated that we have to be strong in what we believe, be centered and not fall off because of  a single message sent out.

I know many people will do background checks, to find out if some group they have been introduced to was what it claims to be. If any group that offers you benefits in exchange for your personal power instead of empowering you, run, as fast as your legs can take you. There is nothing there for you, be aware, with all the energy changes and increase, many groups will also seize the opportunity to take advantage of the situation and offer you relief and comfort. If you do not feel empowered by them, please rethink about what is is going on. These groups are usually well organised and would be able to put up false information when you do a background check on them. If you are not sure, then stay out.

I told my friend that since we started our spiritual journey, we have always based our actions on love, we may have done some really silly and stupid things but we have always did so out of love. The people whom we have met would know, and it is important that we should stand firm and strong in our convictions. After coming this far, we could only move forward, it is only recently that we felt the energy is right for us to move from the position we held for the last few years.

I like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends who have taken the journey with me thus far, you know who you are. Thank you my friends, for without you all, there would be no purpose at all for me.

Thank you

ARROW – stay on target; take a straight path 

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