Tuesday 25 October 2016

Mental Filter and Energizer

Phoenix is for defusing trauma, confusion, and overwhelm due to sudden, unexpected changes. Phoenix supports taking a deep breath, stepping back, and taking comfort before renewing forward motion.

Mental Filter and Energizer
We talk about clearing and transmuting energies of things that affect us. One topic that came up on a call a few weeks age is clearing things that come into our homes. Think of the stuff…books, food, clothes, tools, furniture, anything, including YOURSELF that comes into your home daily and brings in a vibration that either RAISES the existing vibration or brings it down. We pick up energies and vibrations from contact with others and whatever environments we interact with daily, including virtual internet environments. My hubby used to tell me every day when I came home from work, “Take it off and leave it at the door.” He was referring to the negativity of the work environment that he didn’t want brought into the house. And to his credit, he did the same each day.
At first, I thought it was crazy, but it made a difference in our relationship, in how I felt about being home and about what happened while I was at home. If I didn’t leave it outside, I brought in lots of ugly, negative feelings that carried over into a hassle wherever I turned…dinner, getting kids to bed, having a conversation or fight with my hubby, a good night’s sleep…on and on. And when I did physically take off the cloak of negativity and hang it at the door, everything seemed to magically go better.
For those who really feel energy, it is obvious… everything carries a vibration that may or may not resonate with you. And if there are cords and hooks included to get your continued business, by hook or crook, well, no wonder we feel like drained and tired. So, do you do a production-line clearing for each and everything that comes into your house?
Well, you could, but you wouldn’t have time to do much else. And we have many other things that require our attention. So, as part of a daily cleansing routine, here’s an option. We bathe, brush our teeth, wash our clothes, clean our homes fairly regularly from the grime and dust of daily living, right? So energetically, why would we assume this is any different? Rather than a chore, look at this as a much needed spa treatment for you and all your possessions to release any vibrations that do not reflect pure love and gratitude.
This is adapted from my teachers Raymon Grace and from Joey Korn's Blessings:
Envision a light of love and blessing around your entire house. This light will clear, cleanse and transmute any and all energies that come through any opening in the home that may be used by anyone or anything. This light is so loving and kind, all energies are transmuted to love and caring and gratitude… (or anything else you wish to add…prosperity, freedom, calmness, organizational ability-- the list is up to you!)
Spin your pendulum CCW and state (in your own words if these don’t resonate with you): “I call on the Great Spirit, the Divine, my Spiritual Dowsing Team, My Guides and My Angels, and My Higher Self, to create a mental filter to clear and neutralize any and all energies and transmissions of thought of everything known and unknown, that enters my home, that are not of the highest love and Divine light. If there are cords and hooks attached or attempting to attach to me, I ask that the hooks be removed and the hooks and cords be sent back to the sender with the transformational power of pure love.”
When the CCW spin stops, state using a CW spin: “ Transmute these energies of everything that enters my home to pure love, gratitude and appreciation. I claim this for all I have and all that I can choose to be, to serve my Higher Self and my path, under Grace in Perfect Ways. Blessings to all that enter here, that they know and experience pure love. I ask the blessings of Divinity be known as I step into my power and create my life of love and harmony with all that balances me emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
This filter is in place for as long as necessary, and I will be notified when it needs to be refreshed. Thank you to the Divine, My Spiritual Dowsing Team, My Guides and My Angels, and My Higher Self. It is done. And so it is!”
Please feel free to change as you see fit. This is my adaptation, and It may change tomorrow. I refresh about every month or so, depending on the energies and how I am guided. I also smudge my home and some things I bring in just because; I feel what is needed and do it. When you connect to the Divine Spirit within, you will be guided in this and all things.
Much Love and Many Blessings!

From Michele Trull


Thank you

REVERSE – bury a grudge; stop

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