Monday 12 January 2015

Are you Happy?

When you sit and think, “When will I get happiness,” you won’t get it. When you see your happiness in the happiness of others, that’s when you will be truly happy.

I was discussing with someone about having friends that talk in a negative way, she was telling me that the group of friends she associate with, do so. The above video is one method you can use to remove negative talk as it happens. 

Another suggestion you might want to adopt is to use this affirmation ' I repel all people and energy that are harmful to me.' If you use this one, some of your friends may drop out of sight, good riddance to bad rubbish, those who are still with you are probably good friends to keep. 

Some of the people I know love to measure themselves, they would find one spiritual law and measure it against another, then they get all confused because they find that one law contradicts another and they ask why is this so. I always had problems with keeping rule and regulations, usually by 10 am I would be in some arcade playing video games back when I was schooling. I never bothered with the rules and the rules never bothered me, of course until I was caught by my teacher. 

Do not measure yourself with a yardstick created by someone else, if you want to do so, then use your own, actually measuring only makes you aware of your own boundary, your safe or comfort zone, To be really happy and free, you should widen your comfort zone to be as wide as possible, do not hide behind the line, push the limits once in a while, if not once a year as a new year resolution. Choose to do something that you have not done before, challenge yourself. 

Meet new friends, widen your society circle, go bungee jump or maybe pick a quarrel with a oppressive boss, try it, you may find that it is not the end of the world because your boss fired you for purposely insulting him, you will surely be able to find something else to do. (please do not take this literally, I am just making a point) 

If you find that at this point of your life, you are unable to be happy, contented or at peace with yourself, then do something about it. Another friend of mine recently left his cozy job to venture into his own business, he is in his fifties and is still willing to take the plunge to do what he feels will make him happy. 

I am not saying that your present position in life should be changed because you want to become happier, I am just suggesting that you can, but if you are happy where you are, it is fine, 


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