Thursday 1 January 2015

Body, Breath and Mind

Body, Breath, Mind, Memory, Intellect, Ego, Self. These are the seven layers of consciousness, we are made of these 7 layers and they are not separated. There are some school of thoughts that advocate removing the ego, but this is not possible, the ego is part of your consciousness and it serves a purpose in your life. The ego is here to let you know you exist in the world, it is always finding the contrast so that the flow of life carries on. All 7 layers are interdependent of each other, and serve one another for your existence in this world.

In previous posting, I shared that there are 4 sources of energy, they are breath, food, sleep, and knowledge, these 4 sources are related to the 7 layers of consciousness. Food, breath and sleep are needed for the body to be in good functional condition, knowledge is needed for the mind for nourishment. For the next 3 layers, you need to have peace of mind, before you can see the self.

Regular spiritual practices help you to have a peaceful mind, chanting, meditations, short periods of quiet solitude all these are helpful to achieve a calm state of mind. Please remember that spirituality is not religion, do not mixed them up. Someone said that religion and spirituality is like a banana, religion is the banana peel and spirituality is the fruit, but most people throw away the fruit and eat the peel.

Breath, water and sound are 3 important component that is helpful to our well being, most of us do not breathe properly, we usually only using the top part of our lungs when we breathe, when we should be breathing deep into our abdomen.

Water is the second important component, are you drinking enough water to hydrate the cells of your body, is the water you drink of good quality? We are 70% to 80% made out of water, if you can change the quality and energy of the water you will be able to be healthier and live a better life.

The last component is sound, what the words you are using in your life, words carry energy and intentions, are you listening to good music, or music that carry non beneficial energies, are you communicating with people who are positive and say positive words. Think about all these, make a change now and see the difference it would make in your life.

We have to take action in order to make any improvements in our lives, reading all the knowledge in the world will do nothing if you do not act upon it. The future is yours, do something about it.

Thank you

I am thinking of starting a class base on Breath, Water and Sound maybe this month or February. If you are interested please write me at my email - (only for Singapore)
We will cover the following subjects breathing, dowsing water and the effects of sounds. The time and venue will be decided depending on the response.
Thank you.

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