Sunday 4 January 2015

Share your Love!

Howdy Folks,
I trust everyone had a joyous holiday season, a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Now it’s time to get back to work. Raymon’s
Energy readings show that the energy level is higher than it has ever been and continues to rise.
This year is going to be an Energetic Year, what does this mean?
It means that some things that couldn't be accomplished before, may be possible now.
Raymon’s principles consist of three basic things:
All things are composed of energy and the intelligent human mind has the ability to direct energy
Energy is impressed upon matter
Energy follows thought
I believe we have accomplished a great deal in the past year, some results are more subtle than others.
Remember to refer back to the basics:
Get in the proper state of mind and make sure you are grounded.
Use positive intent or focus, don’t let doubt cloud your goal.
Use Raymon’s DVDs to help enhance your work or to work on multiple projects.
Don’t forget the Medicine Place, sometimes it is best to go there.
Don’t forget the use of your energized water.
Keep an open mind, don’t decide you can’t, “TRY”.
Keep up to date by reading Raymon’s Newsletters, also check the archive section for old Newsletters.
Let's get to work and change this world to be a better place and be happy.
Wishing everyone success in your projects and positive Qi.
Let’s use the Motto “I Can and I will”.

The above is from a friend and fellow dowser, as I have posted previously that energy is rising every day, month and year by increments of 25% or more. This means that our body need to catch up with the intensity of these increments. As mentioned above it is now easier to accomplish what was not possible before, however for those who are not aware it is also easier for the masses of people to manifest undesirable things and situations. 
This is why it is so important to do your daily clearing, neutralize any or all ill effects of mass consciousness upon you and your family daily. Neutralize any or all negative probable futures for you and your family and transform these into love and light for your highest good. Balance your polarity daily, balance your chakras, your emotions, your hormones, your blood chemistry, PH, Brain chemistry, blood flow and so.
We will be experiencing many global changes this year, and many will not be able to cope if they are not clearing and balancing energy. Below is something called the fifth dimensional project, if you do not dowse just say these sentences as a prayer for the good of the world, as I have mentioned before if the world ends it ends for all, we have no other place to go.
The Fifth Dimensional Project
Scramble the frequency of all oppressive governing bodies, groups and forces and adjust their frequency to 5th dimensional energy.
Scramble the frequency of all harmful subliminal messages transmitted by electronic devices such as TV, video games, computer games, and radionic devices and adjust this frequency to 5th dimensional energy.
Scramble the frequency of all biological, chemical and radiological pollutants of the water, earth and air and adjust these to the frequency of pure water, earth and air.
Scramble the frequency of war, fear, hate, greed, terrorism and martial law and adjust to the frequency of 5th dimensional energy.
I hope that you will be willing to give a few minutes of your time to dowse the above or pray for the world to help make our world a better place to live in. (you need not use the exact same words as the above in prayer as long as you are praying for the good of the world it goes a long way towards the well being of all humanity.)
And lastly a good affirmation you might want to use is' I am always at the right time and place for my best good,' Be Safe and Well!

The Daisy Pond, try it!

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