Wednesday 21 January 2015

Sharing some thoughts after my lunch

Just had my lunch, I enjoyed what I had, feeling grateful, on my way back to office, I thought of a group of people whom I have come to know when I was practicing some energy stuff. They were always saying how grateful they are for this and that, but when asked to do something that would affect their pockets and time they would come out with the most creative replies to excuse themselves.

They would always be asking me about how to use energy to do this and that or to help them and their friends and family as long as it is free of charge, I finally started to ask for payment and they disappear like flies.

These people had reiki attunement done, but would not use it fearing that they might get negative vibes or for whatever reasons they call me all the time and ask me if I can solve problems for them and even their friends.

This is a good example of people with energy but have nothing to do with enlightenment, they behave selfishly and make use of your kindness, they pretend to be spiritual seekers but are actually a sad excuse for a human being. Then there is another group that are self righteous and organization oriented, you must follow the rules, the rules will save you from hell, you must obey the leaders for they are guided by the higher source. All the bullshit will really bring them to their own hell.

There are all kinds of people who are practicing spirituality, and each will tell you that they are doing it right, and this is the sign that you should look out for- the right way. If anyone tells you that his way is the right way and the only way to God, Run!

There is only one right way and that's your way! There is no hurry, you got eternity to get it right besides there is nothing wrong in the first place. Just be Happy!

Thank you
Love and Gratitude

Enjoy- Heaven Rushing In
from Donna Eden -Energy Medicine

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