Sunday 2 June 2013

Present Moment

In life humans tend to form habits, or have a set of tenets that they apply to for all situations in their life, some will follow their tenets even when they are doing a spiritual practise. Imagine when you are meditating and you want to achieve the best meditation because that is the way you are, always achieving the best of everything in life. The moment you try when doing meditation it is not meditation at all.

I was at an Hindu temple on Sunday morning which was famous for having wishes fulfilled by going round the inner sanctum for 108 rounds, as it was very early in the morning there were about 10 people doing their rounds, some were walking round slowly but there was a few who was going round as fast as their legs could carry them short of jogging round the sanctum. I thought that they are here to be with the divine energy yet they are rushing to complete their rounds just like what they do everyday rushing to get to work and rushing to get home. 

Maybe they have other reasons to go round quickly or I may be judging them unfairly but what is the need to rush? All of us have only one destination in life and it inevitably to meet with death one day, no one that I know of on this planet have not died, everyone dies. The time we have on this planet is for us to enjoy our life to savour every moment because every moment is life, that is why it is called 'present'. The present moment is a gift from God.What has past is past and dwelling in the past is wasting your present, live in the present moment it is all you have.

Now let us look at the concept of time, when I first started on my spiritual journey I thought that time was linear, meaning that the past comes first then the present and then the future. Later I realize that time is not linear but a column meaning that all past, present and future exist at the same time. This has a significant effect on my meditation as I now have access to all time because of this concept. I will not go into further details here but knowing that all time exist for you now is very important. Everything you do now or experience now has an impact on your past and future because of this concept. 

You may have experience this concept in your life as coincidences in your life and this is also the basis of manifesting what you want in your life if you can have understanding this concept.  
It is not easy to fully explain what I am trying to put across here but this can be experienced as a guided meditation if we are to meet up in person.

You have the power to conduct your life from where you are now and to create all happiness for yourself so do not waste your present moment.

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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