Tuesday 18 June 2013

Some Thoughts

After lunch, I was thinking about what I wrote this morning and a question came up, if we cleared astrological influences from our home then why is the position of the bed affecting us? Why does the room we sleep in affect us? Can we just clean up these energies for the whole house at one go? 

Please let me know what the answers to these questions, share with me what you think are the reasons for this.

Recently my country is experiencing a haze cause by burning of forest in our neighbouring country, the air quality is in the unhealthy range and we are also experiencing a rise in case of dengue fever cause by mosquitoes.

Let us first do something for the air pollutions and we will discuss something about the above experience.

'Please scramble the frequency of all chemical, biological and radiological pollutants from the water, earth and air and adjust them to the frequency of pure water, earth and air. Thank you.'

There are nature spirits of the land and country and if these spirits leave for what ever reasons you can expect to see a calamity happen there. The spirits always leave first before the calamity happens. This acts like a signal to us that we are not treating them with love or taking them for granted.

You can check with dowsing if the nature spirits are on the land you are staying or for a country, if they are not present ask if they are will to come back. Anyway if they are unwilling to return, you might consider to leave too. 

You can check for the countries that are at war now if the nature spirits of the land are present. Do this as an exercise in dowsing, if the spirits are not present check for the energy level of the country and also the Hertz level of that country. Share your readings with me please.

Back to the forest burning, it is obvious that greed is behind their actions and a heartless attitude with no consideration of the negative effects of their actions upon others and the planet.

Is there some good that might come from this happenings? Are we able to change their attitude? How to bring about more awareness to more people?

Maybe we might not be able to completely solve the problems but by not trying the problem is definitely not going away. 

'Please transmute the spirit of greed into Love and Compassion for all. Thank you.'

'Please remove all veils of deceptions for everyone and raise the level of consciousness for everyone to the highest most appropriate level that will support Love and Kindness. Thank you.'

'Please neutralize the negative effect of the surrounding energy and transform them into the most appropriate energy for all. Thank you.'

You can add your own dowsing solutions to the above and let us all make a better place for ourselves today.

Thank You! I appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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