Sunday 9 June 2013

Programming Your Hand Phones.

With the dowsing system we can install programs into things we carry around with us, I have written about programming water previously, you can also program your hand phone, your tablet, anything you carry with you all day.

Here is an example with the hand phone :-

'Please neutralize any or all ill effects of my hand phone upon me. Thank You.'

'Please install a program that will transmute all emf emitted by my hand phone into love, peace, harmony, good health, prosperity, freedom, gratitude, respect and confidence. Let this program run 24/7 until I make further changes and that it will affect all that comes in contact with this energy field including myself. Thank You.'

You can also install additional programs such as 'Every time I use the phone it raises my prosperity level to the next higher level. Thank you.'

Create your own personal transmitter of positive energies that you can carry around and you need only install the program once for the life time of your hand phone. You can also program this for the hand phones of your loved ones and create a stronger energy field for your home when everyone's hand phone is at the same place.

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better

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