Friday 7 June 2013

Raising the Energy Level and Life Force for Healing

If the energy  and life force level is low you may face some of these problems - sickness, diseases, bad luck, poverty and generally life going down the drain. Most of our society have low energy and life force, check with your dowsing the levels of energy and life force of your neighbours, your colleagues and  your workplace. 

The energy and life force level should be 100% so please check everyday for you and your family and people you associate with, if they are below 100% ask that it be raised to the highest most appropriate level for your best good. Problems usually fall off when you have raise your energy and life force appropriately.

I suggest that you check the life force and energy level of yourself and your home each day, it may take continual work before the energy reaches a high enough level to maintain itself without help.

It is possible to go back in time to check the energy level of a person or place in the past, just ask your dowsing system to go back in time and then ask to check what is the energy level then.

I will give you an example of what I mean - Let us say that you raised the energy for a Mr. X and forgot to take a reading to compare results then you simply ask your dowsing system to 'Please go back in time to 30 minutes ago and check the energy level of Mr. X at that time. Thank you.' You will get a reading that is different from the reading you have now.

You can also go back in time to heal issues you might have experienced in the past and you will have a corresponding result in your present.

Happy Dowsing!

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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