Monday 17 June 2013

What to do?

When you are facing challenges in your life, you are tired of all the routines, all the daily problems of life, how are you going to be happy. Some of us are able to dowse and change energy but for some they are so caught up with their problems it seems to them that no amount of dowsing seems to work.

What should we do when we come to such a condition? Ask for help, get a friend to pray for you, get a hug, get a fellow dowser to raise your confidence and energy. We are never alone, there is always someone nearby who can offer a helping hand. The worst thing to do is to be shy and keep the problems to oneself, go out and talk to a friend, your friend may not have a solution for you but by just talking you can relieve some stress and maybe even come up with some solutions to your problems.

The above situation described that you have caught yourself up in a negative mentality, if you find that you have reach this point you need to neutralize all negative mentalities, negative thought forms, the energy level may not be ideal for yourself and your home. The strange thing is that people in this condition can go on living their life without asking themselves why their life is not where it should be. 

Most people will not seek help in any form because they did not realize that they do, they just bear with what life dish out to them accepting that it is normal for them. If you are unhappy about anything it means you are out of alignment with source energy it is that simple your emotions are the indicator of this alignment. Do not be a victim of circumstances, change the energy, rearrange it, the future is yours, no one can live your life for you. 

I share a lot of information on my blog to help everyone live a better and happier life, all anyone have to do is use it.

I like to thank everyone who has taken the time to write me it gives me encouragement and I appreciate it. 

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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