Friday 14 June 2013

Some Viewpoints from the Videos.

The video highlights the importance our thoughts on water and the connection between ourselves and the world. The eight characters highlighted is roughly translated to 'All is created by the Heart and changes with the Heart'. The video mentioned that this knowledge have been given to us by ancient sages from China 3000 years ago. Dr Emoto recently discovered and demonstrated these truths again through his experiments with water.

The way one thinks and behave is a reflection of the world one lives in, have a 'good heart and speak good words' was the phase used to describe this. Change your mind and your life will change, you have the power to make this choice.

'Please remove all veils of deceptions for me and my family. Thank you.'

We are all connected even if we do not acknowledge this fact it is still a fact so what you do have an impact on the world, we need to learn to love ourselves and be responsible for ourselves and the world we live in will be a better place.

With the power of Cosmic Light & Love, I clean Planet Earth from all religious extremists, cults, bigotry and superstitions. Earth humans shall find a true connection to their existence, the cosmic centre of consciousness, the source of everything. Please fill all voids created by these cleaning with 5th Dimensional Energy & Higher Frequency of Golden Light. Thank you very much with Love & Gratitude. 

With the power of Cosmic Light & Love, I clean Planet Earth of all evil energies. All hate, all aggressiveness, all suppression, all violence, all wars, all military and all weapons. All aggressive people shall feel the love in their hearts, and walk the way of light. Please fill all voids created by these cleaning with 5th Dimensional Energy & Higher Frequency of Golden Light. Thank you very much with Love & Gratitude. 

With the power of Cosmic Light & Love, I clean Planet Earth from consumption insanity, competition thinking, and wastefulness of resources and energy. Please fill all voids created by these cleaning with 5th Dimensional Energy & Higher Frequency of Golden Light. Thank you very much with Love & Gratitude. 

Let us all make our world a better place for ourselves and all our descendants.

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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