Thursday 6 June 2013

Save My World

Recently there is an ad on TV called 'Save My World' they have a bunch of children plant a tree to let us know that we have to go green to save our planet. I was wondering what effects this has on the general audience? Will people watch the ad and feel motivated to do something to save the planet.

Everyday on the way to work, free newspapers are given out at all the train stations, people make an effort to get their free copy because it is free. Have anyone given a thought that some trees have to be chopped down to produce the paper to print those newspapers. Would they make an effort to say no to the free newspapers as an effort to help save our world. 

How far would one go to make a difference? Would you use less paper napkins at the fast food outlets? Would you carry your own shopping bag to the super market to avoid using plastic bags? Would you make an effort to use less electricity at home by having a cut-off time and use less.

I once met a group of school children at a green fair showing off their green project, the children were very eager to tell me how they are helping to save our world. I notice that each of them was drinking from a plastic cup and I ask them if they realize that the cups were made of plastic and are not bio-degradable. They could not ask my question and just smiled. 

Governments although try to make an effort to go green but I believe the effort must come from ourselves, the day before in the morning news, they were interviewing a lady who had started her own green movement and I totally agreed with her that we can't wait for the government to act first but to make an effort by ourselves first and let the government fill in the gaps when it is appropriate.(in term of funding support when it is needed)

People like her don't wait for things to happen they make it happen, take up the responsibility don't wait for it to be given to you. Our planet(Mother Earth) is the only one we have and if she dies we die with her, travelling to another galaxy is not yet a reality, earthquakes everyday is, polluted air is, polluted water is, contaminated food is, radiation is, see my point. Make a small effort to remember to do your part to help with the green movement everyday it is as simple as rejecting the free newspaper. 

You can do your part with dowsing too, energize water everyday and pour a little down the drain with an intention that the energized water will clean up all the water it comes in contact with. Use the energized water to water your plant to create a better environment for your home. Energize the rainwater each time it rains, program the water in public swimming pools that it will cause all that come in contact with the water to have a more positive attitude towards being green. Use your imagination and create a better world for you and me please.
If you resonate with me please pass this article to a friend you think who might be interested. Thank you.  

'Please scramble the frequency of all chemical, biological and radiological pollutants of the water, earth and air and adjust them to the frequency of pure water, earth and air. Thank You.'

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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