Monday 3 June 2013

Letters from Raymon Grace

This morning I thought I shared some of the letters from Raymon Grace, read about the amazing things being done with energy. Hope these stories will inspire all of you. Thank you.

The energy of past events don’t just affect schools and offices, they affect the land and the people living on the land.

When visiting Western Canada some years ago, I was amazed at the friendliness of the people in grocery stores, restaurants, banks and everywhere I went.  A discussion of this with my friends Bill  & Winnie Askin informed me that Canada had never had a war. The land wasn’t polluted with the horrors of the past. 

The energy felt different.  My friend Jeff was with me on that trip and after being there about ten days, he commented that he really hadn’t missed carrying his gun.  That reminded me that I hadn’t missed carrying mine either----this was strange for both of us as we had  been armed for years.

The more I thought about it, the more it became clear that we are affected by events of the past that had nothing to do with us, we just live on land where they happened. If we live in an area where people have been poor for generations, we are likely to develop a poverty mentality. If we live where wars have been fought, we are likely to have a tendency to be defensive.

Now energy of the land isn’t the only thing that affects people but it is certainly one of the significant factors. Have noticed people from certain countries in Europe have problems that people from other countries don’t have. Why?  Probably because their ancestors lived under oppressive governments, two world wars and centuries of abuse. These people are also affected by the inherited memory of the events their ancestors suffered.

Since energy is impressed upon matter, it seems reasonable that the energy of fear, terror and sadness would affect the land and water.  This energy in turn, affected future generations. We are all the product of our heritage, culture and past lives.  All these things are forms of energy and energy can be changed by the intelligent human mind.

Here in the mountains of Southwest Virginia where I live, we have similar problems such as a massacre  of the settlers in 1781.  One of my ancestors was killed by the Shawnee in 1792. There were two Civil War battles fought within 8 miles of my house.  These events are forms of energy and affect the land and those who live on the land for generations.

Since all things are composed of energy and the intelligent human mind can direct energy, then can we neutralize this energy and transform it into something better? Yes, I believe we can, keep reading.

About a year ago a lady contacted me, asking questions about her farm. Seems the horses would not go into the riding ring, the grass wouldn’t grow, no one wanted to visit and things just weren’t going well. The place  had been sold 5 times in the last 10 years. No one wanted to stay there.

First thing I found was an ‘energy vortex’. I have found very few energy vortex in my dowsing career. I neutralized it and re-programmed it to produce a better energy.

Next, I told her she had one horse that was a real problem. She agreed, saying she had bought the horse normally valued at $10,000, for 25 cents and had a bill of sale to prove it.

Told her the horse had 20 curse on it.  Neutralized the curses and did a general energy clearing of the farm.

This lady showed up in class six months later telling the class that her horses were calm and had no fear of the riding ring, the grass was the best in the area and people came to visit and didn’t want to leave.

The 25 cent horse had become the best horse she had ever owned. She brought a picture of the horse to show everyone.

Yep, it’s all about energy.

Hi Raymon,
"My second story is a little more light hearted, but an important lesson just the same.  Two weeks before Xmas in 2010, on a Tuesday,  I was driving down a four  lane highway to go see my dad between client meetings and was going about 60 miles an hour.  It had been  bitter cold the 3 previous nights with below zero wind chills and snow.   I was talking to someone from my office on my cell phone when I caught something out of the corner of my eye---it was simply two small eyes staring at me for a nano second and I said to the person on the phone---" I think I just saw a small kitten----I have to go back". 

Now this stretch of busy  highway was barren-no homes no businesses so I drove to the next exit and came back and tried to figure out what to do.  You see the kitten I thought I saw was in the MIDDLE of the highway---not on the side of the road and he was huddled up against the jersey barrier.  So I had to park my car and get out and walk and try to figure out where I saw him, but I thought " I am going to get killed by someone speeding by" , but not ONE car came on my side of the highway for 5 or 6 minutes,  even though they were flying by me and honking on the other side of the road! 

It was as if someone had stopped the traffic for me!   I ran up and down till I found this little ball of ice and road salt and picked him up and held  him in one hand.  I ran back to the car and drove to my dad's and asked his caretaker if she could find someone to take the kitten to any vet in the area while I was in meetings.  Low and behold they found an opening at the same father and son country vet where I used to take my dog when I lived in Ohio!  So I called in later and he gave me the sad news:  the kitten was severely frost bitten and had probably been out in the cold the past 3 nights and was almost dead.   He had a broken pelvic bone from either getting hit by a car or from being thrown from a car and the frost bite was so bad underneath his body, that his bladder was just like a bowl of jelly---it had lost all of its form and strength and elasticity from the trauma and the vet had to catherize the kitten t! o eliminate urine.  He told me sadly that his pelvic bone could heal in about 2 months time, but the bladder would probably not come back and there was no way I could bring home a kitten and catherize it every day. 

But I told him to take care of it and I would call every day, which I did.

They cleaned him up and started to feed him---he was very malnourished and he started eating right away and drinking.  As the days went by they told me he was beginning to play a little and the swelling and the blue color from the frost bite on his pads and legs was healing.

Now you know, Raymon , that my friend PJ and  I were dowsing like crazy to our Spirit Guides to help this kitten live, but the bladder did not improve.  So on Friday I called and asked the vet if I could drive down and see him and he said that would be fine.   

When I saw that little kitten and he saw me, he ran right into my arms and started playing with me and I sat there for a little while until the vet came back in and I said to him:  " If I asked you to do something for me that I think will help the kitten, even though you think I am crazy, would you do it?  
And so I brought out a large bottle of the healing energized water and I asked him to take away the water he was giving the kitten and only use mine.  Which he said he would do and I left.

I called Saturday morning and there was no change, but the vet said the kitten was drinking the water.  He sadly said to me that we will need to do something by Monday if nothing changes, because if the kitten has gone this long and hasn't been able to urinate on his  own, then we will be just running up an expensive vet bill and the bladder should have started working by now if it was going to reverse the permanent damage.  He was sorry but he would have to put it to sleep.  He said  "we have all fallen in love with this adorable little creature but there is nothing more to do."   
PJ and I were feverishly asking the Spirit of the Water to heal his little bladder and were getting mixed signals---I was crying all of the time and by now we had a whole entourage of people praying for the little "Xmas "kitten!   I asked the vet  to call me Sunday even though he was closed and let me know if there was any change.  The call came-----"I'm sorry---no change." 

In all of my little faith, that Sunday was the longest and saddest day for me.

On Monday around 11am I got a call from the vet which I dreaded.  Here was the call:  Roxanne, it's Dr. Somerville----- what is in this water???? Please come and pick up your little kitten and take him home-he is peeing all over the place!!!!"  

And that is  my story of little " Nicholas",  the Xmas miracle------  "  Nicky" for short.  And that kitten has completely healed and is the most loving and playful and ornery kitten you will ever want to meet.   He is the kitten with "human eyes"  and he was sent to me to confirm  the miracle of the healing energized water and to witness that to others. Picture above under the tree is Nicky!"

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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