Tuesday 15 October 2013

A Healing Meditation For You

Just received this from a Friend, please try it out.
Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.
Dear One,
       If you need any kind of healing, whether for flu or back pain, and others,
read message below, and watch the short YouTube clip.
Do not underestimate the simple meditation techniques
given in the video clip! When it is done with sincere
and pure INTENT with ego and expectations out of the way,
magic and miracles happen - it is finding your right
attitude /vibration that is most important.
And you have to find this yourself -
the Buddha can only point the way,
you have to seek your own healing / enlightenment!
No one can do this for you. 
Namaste - the divine in me bows to the divine in you.
Mitakuye Oyasin - We are all related, we are all ONE.
Wodakote - Inner Peace.
With Metta (Loving Kindness),

You don't always find your way by your head,
Now you have to find your way with your Heart,
And sharing is very caring indeed :-)
Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .
Here's to your HEALTH. Scroll below for some interesting facts about food and our health. We are transforming from carbon based to crystalline based bodies so we need to do all we can to enhance our health.
Today I'm overwhelmed with emotion. Everywhere I look, I see the beauty of Mother Earth and I'm overwhelmed with joy. Then I get on the computer and I am bombarded with the tragedies of the day (what they call "news") and I'm overwhelmed with sadness. I'm reminded of what Sheldan reported in his webinar, Battling Dimensional Fatigue, that our neo-cortex embodies the functions of our emotions (it is influenced by the limbic system which contains the amygdala which is primarily involved with emotional processing). We are currently gaining more head chakras as we continue to evolve into 5D fully conscious Beings of Light. Basically our brains are being rewired which reminds me of the cosmic joke......Do we really have to lose the 7-10 percent of our functioning brains to access 100% of our brains? lol
Our central nervous system is another vital part that is being affected right now. When the central nervous system is under stress, then everything in our bodies will be out of kilter. So, in a nutshell, the most important focus for us in this current time line can be summed up in one simple word, BALANCE.
I Love everyone reading these posts. We agreed to come here to transform this world from duality consciousness to ONENESS consciousness ~ And that is what we are doing! Each one of us is adding our unique vibration along with Gaia as we unfold the Divine Plan.
Stay Healthy. Ahh, this too shall pass.
Selamat Ja!
Click here for
from Sheldan's webinar, Battling Dimensional Fatigue.

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