Friday 18 October 2013

Sending Energy

We have the ability to send energy to anyone and anywhere on this earth, we can send energy to a person, a group of people, a place, an object, an event even to the past. All we have to do is to intent it and it is done, you can try this with a friend, just think of this friend that you want to send energy to, intent that the energy send to this friend can be felt strongly in the form of heat, or something that will register strongly with the senses. After doing so, give your friend a call and ask if they felt it. 

You may have to try it out on a few friends as some people may not be so sensitive, but anyway try it out, it is fun when your friend tells you that they felt the energy strongly as you have intended. We can send energy to heal the holes in our ozone too, or send love to someone who is not feeling well. The more you practice the more you get good at this, it is a convenient way to use energy to help anyone all over the world. 

You can send energy for a future event too, just intend the outcome of the future event and ask that the appropriate energy be sent to make it happen. Doing this is a great way to achieve more in your life, getting better deals, better service, better response, better co-operation from people and basically getting the best of any situation.

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better

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