Monday 7 October 2013

A New World

What will happen to us when the new world arrive, will we move to another dimension, if so what is a dimension? Will everyone become a super human?

What really happens to the world is actually not so important compared to what happens to you, if you were to leave this world now, then the world as you know it ends for you. It is you that will be experiencing the new world as a new paradigm within yourself.

There are many who describe about what is going to come and the kind of world that it is going to be, they give all sort of instructions as how to be prepared, open your heart and love everyone. We will never change ourselves if we do not see the need to change, it must be from within oneself, that change can take place. If someone loves to eat meat, no amount of telling them that it is bad, will make them change, but if they get a heart attack and the medical reports shows that it is from eating too much meat that cause the heart attack, they become vegetarians the next day.

The new world will happen within you first, do not expect to see Angels flying around blowing trumpets to announce the news. Look within yourself, have you changed, are you becoming a better person, have you started your own happy revolution. You are the source, no need to look elsewhere, it is the need to look elsewhere that is the problem.

When people around you tell you that you have changed, feel lots of love from you, appreciate you, without you even thinking about it maybe it has happened for you. There is no need to strive, be yourself, be happy with what you are, there is no need to justify yourself to anyone not even to yourself. A Good heart will always do Good, and you will attract to yourself loving people, and the people with you now will become more loving.

There are as many different worlds as there are perceivers or Beings or individuals. You are not here to create one world where everyone is the same, wanting and getting the same. You are here to be that which you want to be, while you allow all others to be that which they want to be.


We would gather a world forum, we would ask all of the television cameras to come, and this is what we would say: It seems that this act has come in response to other actions. It seems that someone has seen this as a way of sort of leveling the playing field. And it seems to us that if we respond in kind, that all that will happen is it will stir up more of the same — and ensure more of these pockets of disaster happening globally as time goes on.

And so, we have decided that we will do the unexpected, and not respond. Not because we think that they are right — but because we do not think that in doing that, we would be right, either.


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