Friday 11 October 2013

For Your Good Health

Here is a health tips you might want to try out, wriggling your toes on both legs, rotating your ankles clockwise and anti clockwise, these 2 actions can be done lying down, first thing in the morning when you wake up or before you fall asleep. Both exercises improves the function of your organs, and if done regularly will have a significant effect on your general well being. Try them now, while you are reading this post, wriggle your toes for a few times then rotate your ankles,then take a deep breath, see how you feel after this doing these exercise.

Energy is constantly changing, recently the energy seems to have a strong effect on our health, so please monitor your body by checking if the cells of the body are compatible, if your immune system is balance, if your respiratory system is balance, if your body chemistry and PH is balance, if your assemblage point is balance. If you find any imbalance just ask your dowsing system to balance them. (I think all the items are in the dowsing list, if you can't find the list write me and I will email it to you.)

Have more natural food and fruits in your daily diet, drink lots of water (energized) to help flush out toxins from your body.

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes To All.
Always Better and Better.

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