Tuesday 1 October 2013

Happy Revolution!

There are many changes taking place recently, the world has become rather unsafe, radiated water was spilled into the sea of Japan, wars, terrorism, greed and fear everywhere. Most of these will eventually have an adverse effect on our children and their children. Do we want to leave a world uninhabitable to them, what can we do to change all these?

In yesterday's video, Sri Ravi Shankar said that we can't make a person happy or miserable, it is all in their karma, but you can change your own karma, make a choice to be happy today, if you are the MD of a company make it a point to smile to your staff everyday, I am sure you will not lose you authority or respect because you smile.

Make it your business to talk to someone everyday to make them happy, let them know they have the power to be happy, let them know that no one can take away their happiness. The world will have hope because you want to make a different. Start Your Own Happiness Revolution Today! Smile! Smile! Smile!

The Fifth Dimensional Project
"Scramble the frequencies of all harmful subliminal messages, transmitted by electronic devices, such as TV, video and computer games, HAARP, HAARP projects, radionics, and electrical current.  Adjust these to the frequency of 5th dimensional energy.

Scramble the frequency of war, fear, hate, greed, terrorism, & martial law.   Adjust these to the frequency of FREEDOM and COMPASSION.

Scramble the frequency of all chemical, biological, and radiological pollutants of the water, earth and air and adjust them to the frequency of pure water, earth and air.

Scramble the frequency of all oppressive governing bodies, groups, the draft, individuals & religious groups and adjust their frequency to 5th dimensional energy."

I been doing the above dowsing regularly for a long time now, please join me in the effort to help our planet be a better place for our children.

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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