Tuesday 22 October 2013

The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?

This is the first part of 3 videos, some very interesting facts on our health have been highlighted in these videos. Please watch all 3 parts and another one from Dr. Stephen Sinatra named ' A simple exercise that can heal your heart.' 

The hertz frequency of the earth have been going up and this have an adverse effect on our health and well being. Hertz frequency can be different in different parts of a country, even a small country like mine can have different hertz frequency in the different districts. The different hertz frequency affects each district differently and can range from 10 Hz to 30 Hz, the earth Hz frequency averages around 24-30 Hz, and when on the higher end of the scale, people feel the effects of this, a higher chance of getting sick is usually observed. You can check for yourself if there are any ill effect of high hertz frequency upon you and ask to neutralize this.

High hertz frequency affects our immune system and even the cells of our body, so along with neutralizing, ask to balance your immune system and make all the cells of your body compatible with each other and let them spin in the proper direction.

You can check out the hertz frequency of some countries and see what is happening in these country and co-relate the readings to have an idea of what the different hertz frequency can cause to happen.

Thank you! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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