Monday 27 May 2013


I have posted 3 videos on abundance from Abraham, the message is the same but different perspective are given. Please enjoy them. 

This morning on the way to work, taking the lift down from my flat with my wife and kid we mentioned a neighbour who is living on the fifth floor. After walking about 300 meters towards our destination we saw the neighbour we mentioned jogging towards us. Is it a co-incident or what? You see if you are in alignment with the energy whatever you think of happens for you, this of course is not an isolated incident it is happening for me and some of my friends on a regular basis.

When we regularly dowse and energize ourself, obstacles are remove for us what is left to do is to relax and let what we want happen for us. The tricky part is to relax and trust the energy so it is important to get out of the way

I like to share with you a line from my guruji 'fake it till you make it.' Feeling the flow of prosperity, act like you already own it and soon you will really do. 

We need not have a fat bank account, a big house or a multi-million business to feel prosperous, we are prosperous when everything we want is there when we want it, like having a wallet or purse that have endless cash that never can be used up. When we are in alignment with the source energy which is in fact ourselves, we can have it all.

Relax and have Fun it is what you are here for.

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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