Sunday 19 May 2013

Easy Ways to Remove Negative Karmic Influence

Let us look at the word Karma it is Sanskrit for the word 'action', so generally when we say negative karmic influence it means negative influences taking action upon our life. 

What effects does negative karmic influences upon our life? Everything, in some religious schools it was taught that you have to pay back all negative karmic debts to avoid having negative karmic influences act upon you. You can never cancel a debt that has been going on for many, many lifetimes no matter how many good deeds you do. 

Now lets look at what good effects has negative karmic influence upon us, every time something unfortunate happens to us we would blame it on negative karma we would feel sad or fearful or angry about what has happen, alright negative karma has happen but you need not keep suffering as my guru said pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. 

Let us look at an example to help elaborate this, say you drop a thousand dollars while you were shopping and only realize it when you are home. You keep getting angry about your carelessness and sad that you have a thousand dollars less to spend, it is alright to feel this way for maybe a few hours and say to yourself that you will be more careful when you next go shopping again. There is no need to keep getting sad and angry with yourself and then with your spouse and children blaming them that they did not help you to prevent the incident from happening.

You can stop the suffering after you experience the pain there is no need to keep prolonging your suffering, here is another way how negative karma can be remove, we have many good habits and we have some bad ones, these habits may go unnoticed by ourselves but it sometimes irritates others, let me paint another scene to show what I mean. A few years ago the relationship between me and my wife was not so good, I had the habit of criticizing her about the way she spoke and we would end up having a big quarrel, on my side I realize this but could not help myself every time the opportunity arises and I went ahead and criticize and then we quarrel. I then remember what my guru said again 'if you resist it will persist' and I knew I had to change myself and let go of my bad habit. We are now good conversation buddies me and my wife and the best time of the day is our conversation over breakfast.

With the help of dowsing I change my bad habits preventing me from committing the same mistakes again and again. Negative karmic influences cause us to feel bad but you need not feel bad for long just make a change in attitude on how you look at things in life and you will have neutralize them.

'Please neutralize all negative karmic influences upon me and my family. Thank You.'

'Please remove all programs related to re-experience issues in our lives for me and my family. Thank You.'

'Please remove all self sabotaging behaviour from me and my family. Thank You.'

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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