Thursday 9 May 2013

Article on Fear part 1

Below is an email I received from my dowsing teacher this morning, I find it to be very useful information it is rather long so I will post it in 2 editions.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I have and do make use of the information if you find them useful by passing this on to someone you care about.
Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All!
Always Better and Better.

My Dear One,
Before you proceed to read on about fear, just let me humbly and briefly share some relevant background about myself.
In the past, i spent a number of working years in the personnel and human resource line, and to find more meaningful work, i switched to become a counsellor (also called a Psychotherapist) for more than 10 years. In Psychotherapy work, i interact with clients to initiate change in the client's thoughts, feelings, and behaviour through adaptation. This is done merely at the psychological, mental and emotional levels, and missing out on the spiritual level. It is therefore incomplete as we are after all spiritual beings having a physical and human experiences.
So i was inspired to delve deeper into spiritual practice and decided to become a Tibetan Buddhist lay monk in 2002. This was fairly easy, as i had already laid some basic foundation with a BA Honours degree in Religious Studies (Buddhism & Hinduism) from a Canadian University, as well many years of studies in metaphysics, energy and healing work. i am also a Dowser, a person who uses a pendulum as a spiritual tool to connect with the Higher Self and Universe in doing energetic healing work. i also practice the American-Indian spiritual tradition that resonates with my heart, and which i have close affinity because of the respect, reverence for Mother Earth and nature, healing her as well as humanity.  
For those who are unaware of the Earth's changes, the planet is undergoing an energetic shift as well as polarity changes. Many things are happening on energetic levels that the mainstream society is unaware. But these happenings and changes affect all of us in one way or another. Just look around yourself, in your homeland and around the world. Can you see many things happening, at the social, economical, political and geographical (weather and natural catastrophes) levels?. Due to this, some people are filled with fear without little understanding about fear and its possible consequences.  
Therefore, i like to take this opportunity to address the Topic on Fear through two short articles and quotations with the hope that you can gain a better and clearer understanding, and not continue to focus and feed on fear. 
In the Eightfold Noble Path, the compassionate and wise Buddha taught Right Understanding and Right View (two of the eight paths), knowing that ignorance and absence of knowledge can cause fear, doubts, anxiety, suspicion, etc., For instance, some people fear death because they do not know what happens after death. The uncertainty and anxiety creates fear. Then some people worry too much about the future because they do not know what will happen or what lies in the future, and the fear becomes greater when the mind is beset with negative thoughts.
Ego creates fear! High ego states like to control, like to have power, and feel insecure when it is threatened. Basically, there are two hemispheres of the brain, the left and the right, and each serves certain functions - the left intellectual brain is where ego resides.
The right hemisphere of our brain is all about the here and now - the present moment. It does not have a care in the world. On the flip side, our left hemisphere is concerned with details, schedules and making decisions based on what it has learned in the past. The left hemisphere is good at categorizing, judging everything as right or wrong and good or bad.
We need both halves of our brain to function at a balanced state. However you can tell which half a person tends to favour by the way they live and act. For instance, right brained people tend to be left-handed, creative, eternally optimistic, adventurous and sensitive to non-verbal communication. The right mind thinks outside of the box and is always open to new possibilities.

On the contrary, the left mind sets rules and regulations and is more hesitant to try new things. It is analytical, therefore often bogged down by the cost and fearful of what the future may hold. It thrives on constant contemplation and thinking.These people tend to worry more than their counterparts, and it is the left brain that maintains language functionality and storytelling. There is a tendency to ask a lot of questions, "what ifs," doubts, and will only believe when they see scientific results and empirical evidence.
We can say that fear is a part of a human being in different degrees. The flight and fright instinct is born in us for a reason. Sometimes a healthy fear can save our life, and I am sure that is why we have fear in our existence. But we should not be consumed by fear and become paralysed by it. There is no reason to play into the fear and be controlled and drained by it. As the old saying goes, "there is nothing to fear, except fear itself." So if we let fear out of the cage and make friends with it, it will not harm us. We can dispel fear with knowledge and compassion. 
It is also important to understand that fear is used as a means of control; either control of the self or to be controlled by those wishing you to be scared. That it is a warning emotion but the more energy you spend fearing, the more it will overcome your life. Recognise fear for what it is: an emotion. Understand why you're scared and adjust your actions accordingly and the fear will leave. The easiest way to remove the fear is to see it for what it is and face it, overcome it with understanding.
Fear is an emotion, a feeling and is energy. Also understand that everything is energy, that includes you and me. We are  made of energies and vibrates at different frequencies or energy-levels (energy-levels can be measured using a Dowsing Chart).
Quantum physics also shows us that we live in a thought-energy environment which literally means that our thoughts create our reality, it’s a manifestation process. We are the creators of our lives and surroundings. So when we feel fear which is a negative energy, we produce negative thoughts, thus we create a negative reality. This is very important to note because when many people send out the same fear vibes that something is going to happen, there is a high possibility of it happening.   
An effective spiritual technique is facing of the fears and darkness with love. Why fear when we are greatly loved and we must have faith in this Eternal Love. Actually, planet Earth is a free-will zone. In place is the Universal Law of human free will. So one has a choice, to choose love or fear? They are both out there in this duality matrix but we have the power, we can choose.

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