Sunday 5 May 2013

Connections- Who you are connecting to?

When I first started my yoga training every time I think of my Guruji I would feel energize, I always believe that it was because he is divine. After all this years of walking on the spiritual path I realize that it was my own misconception he is of course divine but it has more to do with myself feeling the energy because of my believe alone.

Let me try to explain this with some examples in real life, if you go watch a movie and the leading actor gave a touching performance causing you to cry or laugh you bring this energy back with you. The next day you think about the movie and you start to cry or laugh again simply by the memory of the movie. Another one, you go for a holiday and enjoyed yourself and the next time someone mentioned the country you visited fond memories well up in you and the experience is recalled in your mind.

When I am with my Guruji I felt the divine love flowing from him and each time I think of him the same energy is flowing to me, it like he is the connection and by thinking of him I too got connected. In our life there are many types of people we meet and get connected whether we know it or not, it is important that we feel connected to people who are happy, pleasant, bright and prosperous. As these energies are already flowing through them because they show it in the way they live and behave and it is much easier for us to connect to these energies by our meeting with such people.

The same can be said for what you read, where you buy you food from, what you watch on TV or the internet. All these channels connect you to some kind of energy so if you find that your life is not where it should be maybe it is time you look around you and check the people you associate with, the food you eat, the books you read and the contents of the media you exposed yourself to. Select and change what is not beneficial to you and you will see the difference.

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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