Tuesday 21 May 2013

Thought form of 'US'

People play different roles in life, but some times they get too caught up with the many roles they play and  lose their focus and even their own identity. This makes it hard to deal with them, you may have experience dealing with such people who are simply not focused and no matter what you say to them it does not register in their mind.

Usually you will also find if you dowse for them that their soul is not in this dimension ( it is a different from NDE ) their soul seem to be in some kind of limbo and they cannot concentrate on what they are doing.

If you come across a friend, loved one or even yourself please use the following commands to help correct this.You can check yourself by using dowsing and ask how many thought form of 'US' do you have and if your soul is in this dimension. (ideal number of thought form of 'US' should be 1)

'Please neutralize all thought form of 'US' in me to 1. Thank You.'

'Please bring my soul back to this dimension and ground me to the present time and reality. Thank You.'

After you have done this you should feel a peaceful feeling come over you. You will be able to focus better with all the task you have to do.

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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