Monday 20 May 2013

Removing Negative Imprints

What are negative imprints and how do they affect us? Here is an article on this topic that I like to share with you I hope you will enjoy it.

Removing Negative Imprints and Beliefs
One of my clients discovered through my work that she “self-sabotages” her health every time she goes on vacation without her children and has a good time! She always caught colds that too often turned into Pneumonia the day after she returned home. She founded out that she had deeply buried into her subconscious mind a “belief” about “being a good mother” meant to “take care” of the kids at all times first. As she put it, there was something “unnatural” for her to be “enjoying” those few days away from her daily routine; a typical “soccer mom ” with loads of crazy frenzied activities.  In other terms, she felt “guilty” and “worried”  every minute she was “relaxing” at the pool yet thinking of  ”what could go wrong at home” – Sounds familiar?
Many of my clients carry “self-sabotaging” strategies that are deeply rooted that prevent them from reaching their full potential and goals, whatever they may be. But what is  ”self-sabotaging” and why do we keep selling ourselves short in life?
Another word for “sabotages” is Imprint. Imprints are subconscious beliefs that we hold to be TRUE about ourselves.  Negative imprints are beliefs that hold us back from reaching our goals and achieving our dreams and desires. Imprints are established through either internal or external stimulants. An example of an internal stimulant that creates an imprint is Self-Talk. Do you ever catch yourself saying, “I can’t do that”, or “I’m no good at this” or “this is too hard” ? An external stimulant that generates a negative imprint might be hearing your mother tell you that, “You’ll never be as good as your brother”. Hearing the same message over and over, or even one time if delivered in a strong emotional way, creates an imprint.
Further, research in the new field of Epigenetics is finding that our lifestyle choices – the foods we put in our bodies, the chemicals we are exposed to, how active we opt to be, even our social environments which create these imprints/beliefs and can actually alter our health at the level of the gene. These choices can have big effects on our risk for disease, as if our genes seem to be working against us.
As children, we have all heard from authority figures such as teachers, parents, and other relatives. As a child, and from the time we are born to the age of 13, we do not have the ability to filter out things that do not make sense or those that are simply “not true”. As adults we consciously recognize many of the earlier beliefs are wrong however, we continue to behave in a way that fits and feeds the subconscious imprint. Then we develop patterns and behaviors that support our beliefs. How do you know if you have an imprint that prevents you from becoming the person you are meant and desire to be? Here are few questions:
Have you been experiencing the problem for more than five years? Do you experience small successes followed by setbacks?
Are you able to recall a specific event where the problem began? This would normally be during an emotional upset. Do you experience negative feelings such as anger, anxiety, sadness, guilt, depression…etc?
Small successes followed by setbacks can be frustrating. Wanting to remove 30 pounds, actually releasing only 10 or 15 pounds followed by putting it all back on and sometimes more is a pattern that is very common when a negative imprint is in place. Having good fortune or achieving success is often followed by a string of difficulties if your imprint (subconscious belief) is that you will not amount to much or you don’t deserve to have success in life. In coaching, I also speak of “Thermostats” which represent the limits where our subconscious has set itself based on our past experiences. We have many of them, the most common thermostats are about money, success, love, joy, relationships ….Again most of what we believe to be “true” about self  is often someone else’s perception of who we “are” and that we have “agreed” with these truths during our childhood.
Since imprints are subconscious, Hypnosis, NLP and EFT are excellent tools to remove or to modify them. Bypassing the conscious mind allows change to take place. At the same time a limiting, negative imprint is removed a positive imprint that supports the change you desire can be instilled. Since each person is unique you can expect their imprints and response to the techniques to remove them will be unique as well.
One way to eliminate current negative imprints or to prevent future imprints would be to use an affirmation several times each day added with supporting  ”actions”.
By themselves, positive thinking and affirmations are not enough to change a belief and thought pattern. One has to “feel the feelings and emotions” that these affirmations generate. Why? because every word has a VF -vibrational  frequency- and when you repeat, feel these positive words you change  your “own vibrational frequency”. The more you “feel and believe” what you say the more they become a new “truth”. The next step is to take ACTION accordingly to the support of the new belief ..e.g/e.i : exercising every morning because you chose to believe and be committed to have a “healthy body”!  The formula is simple then : VF. words+feelings+actions = result/outcome – your brain is making new synaptic connections that require repetition to become stronger with time.
Affirmations are best given just before you arise in the morning or just before you fall asleep at night. Since these are given while conscious or in a very light trance repetition will be very helpful. Keep at it and you’ll notice changes that will bring you closer to the person you desire to be within a couple of weeks.  A very good affirmation follows; simply fill in your goal in the space at the end. And remember to BELIEVE and FEEL every word you say and take ACTION!!
There is no person, thought, idea, memory, image, feeling, or sensation, from the past, in the present, or ever to arrive in the future that stops me from………….,
I AM a…………..person.
I choose to believe that I AM……,
choose to believe this truth about me and I AM committed to ME.
Remember your Subconscious mind needs repetition before adopting the new imprint or habit – It takes 28 days for the Moon to complete her cycle – give yourself time. And if you are not successful on your own consider making an appointment with a skilled professional.
Be Well Be Inspired,

'Please neutralize and dissolve any or all negative imprints from me and my family. Thank You.'

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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